
Saturday, 9 September 2023

Inkspirational Challenge #298 - Moodboard


Welcome back to Inkspirational; we're delighted you're here.

Time for a Mood Board challenge and this one, hopefully, will get your creative juices flowing. We were given permission to use this board from the designer who, in her original posting, described it as being "bright and a little edgy but also rich and deep." Absolutely right! What catches your eye? The images? The colours (the designer focused on magenta, persimmon, powder blue and graphite)? 


Inspiration from the Design Team:

Looking forward to seeing what inspires you!

The link will be open until Friday, Sept. 22nd @11:59pm (GMT)

We'll be back Saturday, Sept. 16th with a Reminder Post and our TOP PICKS from Challenge #297.

This linky list is now closed.

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