
Saturday 1 June 2024

Inkspirational Challenge #317 - Word Prompt - Frame

Happy June 1st...and a warm welcome to Inkspirational Challenge #317. Wonderful to have you joining us.

For the next two weeks, our word prompt inspiration is FRAME.  Easy-peasy, right. Your frames can be any shape, size or style; as long as you have something surrounded by a frame, you're good to go.


Design Team inspiration:

Nonni - joining us next week in our Reminder Post

Looking forward to seeing plenty of FRAMES filling the gallery!

The Link will be open until Friday, June 14th @ 11:59pm (GMT)

We'll be back next Saturday, June 8th, with a Reminder Post and Top Picks from Challenge #316 - Spotlight Technique.


  1. Gorgeous inspiration by the DT

  2. Thank you for the challenge. Lovely work by the design team.


Thanks for your comments! We love hearing from you!