
Saturday 23 December 2023

Top Picks - Challenge #304 - and Reminder Post - Challenge #305 - Word Prompt - Celebrate

Welcome to our three part post.

First, a reminder that you have until Friday, Dec. 29th at 11:59 pm (GMT) to play in Challenge #305 - Word Prompt - Celebrate - found HERE. At the time of writing this post, we have 35 wonderful  cards in the gallery. Thank you to those who have joined us; let's keep the celebration going!

Our wonderful Pia is sharing a lovely reminder card...just a little more inspiration for all of us.

Second, we had 50 glittery entries for Challenge #304; we loved seeing all the shimmer-and-shine.  As always, selecting a trio to highlight is a challenge. Please know that all of your cards are amazing!

Our Top Picks are:

Kristin's potpourri tags are lovely, especially with glittery orange slices and greenery.

Flo has created a wonderful snowy sparkly scene with Santa racing through the  moonlit forest on his skis. 

Lynda's foil background, bright greenery and sparkly red Joy is glitter-gorgeous.

Congratulations to our Top Picks; please take your badge.

Third, the Inkspirational Design Team would like to wish all of you a most 
Merry Merry Christmas!
May your holiday season be filled with joy, celebration and love!


  1. Thank you so much for choosing my card to be in the Top Picks - congrats to the other picks - so much glitter and shine xx Lynda/Loopyloo

  2. WOW!! Thank you for this honor!! Happy New Year!!!


Thanks for your comments! We love hearing from you!