
Saturday 26 July 2014

Top Picks - #60 Balloon Photo

Current challenge HERE.

Thank you to all of those who entered our photo inspiration challenge earlier in the month! It is always fun to see the different elements that inspire participants. The hot air balloon was a popular theme, but it was great to see other nautical and beach inspired cards as well!  Here are our top picks:


We loved Maura’s design! She used a wonderful color combination and we really like her clouds with sun rays!

Mary did a wonderful job of masking and blending. She incorporated so many techniques, but still pulled off a great clean look!

 We loved how Macarena created the waves from torn paper. Such a creative idea and it looks fantastic!

Congratulations! Grab your badge:


  1. I was very surprised that you chose my card as one of the top picks. Thank you very much! I'm very happy! Congratulations to the other winners too!

  2. Woo hoo!! Thanks so much for choosing my card! I had such fun making it, thanks for the great challenge. Congrats to Mary and Macarena also!


Thanks for your comments! We love hearing from you!