
Saturday, 27 April 2024

Top Picks Challenge #313 and Reminder Post - Challenge #314 - Mood Board

Welcome to our two part post.

First, a reminder that you have until Friday, May 3rd at 11:59 pm (GMT) to play in Challenge #314 - Mood Board - found HERE. Thank you to those who have joined us. Let's keep the beautiful makes coming! 

Second, Challenge #313 closed with 25 creative plays on the word prompt: FOLD. Thank you for sharing your ingenuity with us.  

Our Top Picks:

Jane's take on fold - namely, the pleats on the woman's skirt - is soooo clever and creative! Great outfit, right! 

Rachel's z-fold card is a wintery delight. Even though it took her "four days and several iterations" to reach her goal, we're thrilled she persevered. 

Fran's take on fold is nothing short of brilliant! Do check out her blog for all the creative details.

Congratulations to our Top Picks; please take your badge.

Saturday, 20 April 2024

Inkspirational Challenge #314 - Mood Board

Welcome back to Inkspirational; we're delighted you're joining us.

Our inspiration for the next two weeks is this bright, cheery Mood Board. Colours, images, the 'vibe' - take whatever sparks your creativity, create a card/project and share in the gallery. We're excited to see what you make.

Inspiration from the Design Team:

Looking forward to seeing you in the gallery.

The Link will be open until Friday, May 3rd @11:59pm (GMT)

We'll be back on Saturday, April 27 with a Reminder Post and Top Picks for Challenge #313.

This linky list is now closed.

Saturday, 13 April 2024

Top Picks Challenge #312 and Reminder Post - Challenge #313 - Word Prompt - Fold

Welcome to our two part post.

First, a reminder that you have until Friday, April 19th at 11:59 pm (GMT) to play in Challenge #313 - Word Prompt - Fold - found HERE. Thank you to those who have joined us. Let's keep the beautiful makes coming! 

Speaking of beautiful - or rather, in this case, gorgeous - cards, here's a fabulous Fold reminder designed by our wonderful teammate, Pia.

Second, Challenge #312 closed with 11 lovely white-on-white entries. Thank you for sharing your inspired creations with us.  

Our Top Picks: 

Arlene's card features a lovely white-on-white winter scene. 

Jane's Baby card is absolutely darling, especially white-on-white.

Nancy's white-on-white card does exactly what the sentiment says: makes us smile.

Congratulations to our Top Picks; please take your badge.

Saturday, 6 April 2024

Inkspirational Challenge #313 - Word Prompt - Fold

Welcome back to Inkspirational; we're delighted to have you join us. 

For our first April challenge, our Word Prompt for the next two weeks is FOLD.  As card-makers, 'fold' may be reflected as a fancy fold designed to change up the typical side or top fold style. And...that's 100% totally fine. Fold, however, can also include: folding chairs, a fold in clothing/drapes, something 'folded' around something else (folded in a hug), folded clothes...and so on. As long as a 'fold' is visible (and explained, if need be) on your card/project, we'll be delighted. 

Inspiration from the Design Team: 
(Even though our cards feature fancy folds, remember that fold can mean other things as well.)





Joining next week with a card.

Looking forward to seeing your fabulous takes on FOLD in the gallery.

The Link will be open Friday, April 19th @11:59pm (GMT)

We'll be back on Saturday, April 13 with a Reminder Post and Top Picks for Challenge #312.

This linky list is now closed.