
Saturday, 28 October 2023

Top Picks - Challenge #300 - and Reminder Post - Challenge #301 - Word Prompt - Cold


Welcome to our two part post.

First, a reminder that you have until Friday, Nov. 3rd at 11:59 pm (GMT) to play in Challenge #301 - COLD - found HERE. At the time of writing this post, we have 21 'chilly' entries! Hopefully, we'll see flurries more of cool entries in the gallery over the next week.

Challenge #300 closed with a gallery of 17 cards + matching envelopes. Thank you to all who joined us.

Our TOP PICKS are:

All three have shared lovely card and envelope ensembles!

Congratulations to our Top Picks; please take your badge.

Saturday, 21 October 2023

Inkspirational Challenge #301 - Word Prompt


Welcome back to Inkspirational; we're delighted you're here. 

For our 301st challenge, our word prompt for the next two weeks is COLD. I'm sure that many of us in the Northern Hemisphere are experiencing cooler fall  temperatures. Here in Alberta, we have snow in the forecast! I'm so not ready for this! 

Remember: *cold* can be interpreted in different ways; for instance, cold beverages/food or a get well card for someone with a cold or a shift from cold to warm (warm mittens in winter). We'll leave you to decide how to 'tackle the cold'.

Inspiration from the Design Team:





Looking forward to seeing your interpretation of COLD in the gallery.

The Link will be open until Friday, Nov. 3rd @ 11:59pm(GMT)

We'll be back on Saturday, Oct. 28th with a Reminder Post and Top Picks from Challenge 300.

This linky list is now closed.

Saturday, 14 October 2023

Top Picks - Challenge #299 - and Reminder Post - Challenge #300 - Designer's Choice - Card and Matching Envelope


Welcome to our two part post.

First, a reminder that you have until Friday, Oct. 20 at 11:59 pm (GMT) to play in Challenge #300 - Card and Matching Envelope - found HERE. At the time of writing this post, we have 11 fabulous entries! Let's see if we can double that. Your envelopes don't need to be super fancy; just a bit of matchy-matchy with your card will do!

Challenge #299 - Clean and Simple - closed with a gallery of 47 cards. Thank you to all who joined us; your support and enthusiasm make us happy!

 Our TOP PICKS are:

Deborah W.

Deborah's Away In A Manger scene is gorgeous! Her CAS style ensures the focus is on this lovely image.

Maria's image is so lovely in shades of grey and a pop of red. Delicate, clean, simple and striking.

Joanne's yellow 'white space' is a pretty canvas for her clean and simple design. So eye-catching!

Congratulations to our Top Picks; please take your badge.

Saturday, 7 October 2023

Inkspirational Challenge #300 - Designer's Choice - Carol


Welcome back to Inkspirational; we're delighted you're here to join us on our 300th challenge! Milestone, indeed! 

Thank you so much to all who played in our previous challenge - Clean and Simple - where, with an hour to go, we have 47 fabulous cards in the gallery. Once again, your participation brings us joy.

Today, we begin a new Designer's Choice challenge, where Carol invites us to create a card AND a matching envelope. Let's see your pretty ensembles...after all, envelope *art* is a thing!


Inspiration from the Design Team:





Looking forward to seeing your card + envelope pairings.

The link will be open until Friday, Oct. 20th @11:59pm (GMT)

We'll be back on Saturday, Oct. 14th with a Reminder Post and Top Picks for Challenge #299.

This linky list is now closed.